Cyprus’ Finest and The Great Pigeon Eradication
That “I Want to Shower After Sitting Here Feeling”
We have quite possibly found the best thing about Cyprus…Rio Cineplex #1. Our expectations were pretty much set at a concrete floor, torn screen, musty old gum covered carpet smell, and a “I want to take a shower after sitting here” feeling. Our minds were literally blown when we walked into the theater and saw widely spaced out comfy leather Lazy Boyesque love seats with bass speakers inside them. There was a large screen, great sound, and an intermission of all things. We were literally shocked at the amazing cinematic experience and have determined regardless of what is playing, that we’ll be regulars at all future screenings at Rio #1. By the way, we saw Munich, which puts Cyprus three months behind in movie releases.
Pigeon Nest Eradication
One of my very few pet peeves are pigeons...they’re nasty, make a constant cooing racket, and annoyingly make a whistling noise when they fly. My morning routine usually consisted of opening the balcony door quickly to scare off whoever had spent the night. Regardless of the amount of effort put into cleaning the tile balcony, the gleaming floor was always met with pigeon poop. The last straw in my crusade against my winged nemesis’s was when a polygamous male pigeon and two “lady” (term used loosely) pigeons permanently set up shop above our balcony. This equated into cooing all night and additional poop on the balcony.
Although I felt a wee bit guilty about sweeping their nest into a strategically placed trashcan, I’ve been able to sleep soundly with a clear conscience. My combat with the pigeons didn’t end with the home eradication, but after an extensive hardware store search I found pigeon spikes. After conquering the language barrier and borrowing “steps” from my 80 year old super, I began the six floors up on a rickety six foot ladder Maginot Line of pigeon defenses. The first battle was won Saturday morning when a pigeon aborted a landing attempt on the newly fortified balcony. I’m happy to say that after three days the balcony is still poop and roost free!
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